Jumbleberry Advertiser Performance Dashboard
Are you currently working with agencies, affiliates or networks that can’t or are unwilling to share campaign data with you? Are you satisfied with the depth and usability of that data? Are you getting access to the data in a timely manner to allow you to act on it?
If you answered NO to any of the questions above, you’re in luck! We’re happy to announce the launch of our Advertiser Performance Dashboard.

Our Advertiser Performance Dashboard is now available to all clients that are currently running campaigns with Jumbleberry. The dashboard provides real-time visibility into the following metrics:
- Sales
- Conversions
- New Affiliate Tests
- Sales Trends/Forecasts
- Affiliate Leader Boards
Why did we develop the Advertiser Performance Dashboard?
In an uber-competitive landscape, with continuously rising customer acquisition costs, having access to campaign data to inform sales funnel performance is simply a must. Monitoring campaign data or staying in the unknown is quite simply the difference between being profitable or in the red. As I’m sure you would agree, we all prefer the former.
The Adverstiser Dashboard is the first step to providing our clients with more transparency into the campaigns we run with them, because we truly believe that transparency is key to a successful partnership!
As always, we look forward to answering any questions or suggestions you may have about this product. We will be continuously adding new features and more in-depth reporting in the very near future!
If you are are already working with Jumbleberry but don’t have access to your dashboard yet, please contact your Account Executive.